Seika Corporation is making the following efforts to deliver appropriate corporate information to investors and shareholders in an equitable and timely manner.
1. Decisions on timely disclosure of corporate information
For timely disclosure of corporate information, Corporate Planning Department plays a central role in cooperation with General Affairs & Human Resources, Business Promotion, Accounting, and other departments to discuss whether information should be disclosed in accordance with regulations related to information timely disclosure.
The final decision is made by the Information Administrator (Chief Strategy Officer).
2. Internal system related to timely disclosure of information
(1) Information related to decisions
When necessary for prompt decisions on important matters, the Board of Directors convenes extraordinary meetings in addition to regular Board and Management Committee meetings.
If the Information Administrator determines that important information shall be disclosed in accordance with the Rules on Timely Disclosure prescribed by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the information will be disclosed immediately. -
(2) Information related to occurred facts
If a material event occurs, the department head and the representative of the subsidiary involved will report its occurrence to the Information Administrator immediately.
If the Information Administrator determines that the occurrence shall be disclosed in accordance with the Rules on Timely Disclosure prescribed by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the relevant information will be disclosed immediately. -
(3) Information related to financial results
The Accounting Department prepares financial statements and other information relating to financial results. After audit by the Accounting Auditor and the Audit & Supervisory Committee and after approval by the Board of Directors, financial results are disclosed on the day of the Board of Directors meeting.
3. The outline of our timely disclosure structure is as follows (Timely Disclosure Structure)