Basic Policy of Sustainability
‘- Corporate philosophy “To Contribute to Society Through the Expansion of Business” –
In line with the strategies set forth in the long-term management vision “VIORB 2030,” which was formulated based on this philosophy, our basic policy is to “achieve sustainable growth for the Seika Corporation Group and improve corporate value over the medium to long term” and "work toward the realization of a sustainable society" through the Group code of conduct and carrying out missions.
Structure of the Sustainability Committee and Promotion Systems
The Sustainability Committee comprises the President, Directors in charge of (planning, sales and marketing, and administration), and the General Manager of the Corporate Planning Dept. and monitors, analyzes, and evaluates each issue related to sustainability in accordance with the above basic policy. In order to operate the Sustainability Committee comprehensively and functionally, we sorted it out. We integrated the themes to be promoted into three categories: “environmental initiative,” "management that values people," and "management quality improvement." Under the Sustainability Committee, we established subcommittees to handle each category and formulated their respective policy for their initiatives. Each subcommittee acts as an execution team to realize sustainability management, examines and carries out specific measures based on its policy, and reports progress to the Sustainability Committee.
Governance chart of the Sustainability Committee

"Environmental initiative" subcommittee
In order to reduce environmental impact related to climate change and realize a carbon-neutral society while promoting the Group’s business activities with environmental consideration and implementing measures and recommendations to raise environmental awareness among employees, this subcommittee promotes initiatives to create a virtuous cycle between business and the environment by measures such as providing environmentally friendly products and services.
"Management that values people" subcommittee
With a better workplace environment and diverse human resources in mind, this subcommittee aims to make the Company comfortable for each and every employee to work in and provides measures and recommendations regarding systems related to work styles, education, skill improvement, etc. Also, in order to improve employee engagement throughout the Group, it will consider measures such as personnel exchange and human resource utilization.
"Management quality improvement" subcommittee
This subcommittee leads the creation of an organization that improves the value provided to all stakeholders, including customers, shareholders, local communities, and employees. It supports the sustainable growth of our business by carrying out specific initiatives and assessments based on our key growth strategies and actively striving for harmony with society through social contribution activities, etc.

Roles of the Sustainability Committee
Formulation and monitoring of sustainability strategies
In addition to determining, promoting, and monitoring policies for the items to be promoted related to the three categories of “environmental initiative,” “management that values people,” and “management quality improvement,” collects and analyzes sustainability-related information and reports to the President and Chief Executive Officer, who is the head of the business execution system.
Risk assessment
Assesses the risks to the Company related to sustainability (for example, the impact of climate change, handling issues in social aspects, requests from regulatory authorities, etc.) and reports to the President and Representative Director, who is the head of the business execution system.